108 Free Kindle Books, 76 Kindle Book Deals for Saturday, December 14th

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Disclaimer: Prices Change. It’s 2:31 pm EST and all books were free FOR EVERYONE in the USA (you didn’t have to have Prime). Please check the Price BEFORE buying – especially if you are reading this post on Sunday, December 15th, 2013.

Credits: Jake, ZFB, SV, Official Kindle Forum, Sisters.

Gratitude: Sisters, Brothers, Cousins.

FREE KINDLE BOOKS (Click to visit) – Zero Friction Books

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Free Kindle Books – Full List at Amazon & New Free List at ZFB (Zero Friction Books)


KINDLE DEALS – Check out Kindle Countdown Deals. Time limited deals on books in various genres. Very low prices on lots of good books.

Free Kindle Books – KEBooks Books of the Day

  1. *Dandelions Never Die:Book 1 of The Dandelions Series by McCartney Green. Price: Free. Genre: Romance of the Day, Action & Adventure. Rated: 5 stars on 12 Reviews. 550 pages. ASIN: B00134ERLA.
  2. *Critical Connection: A Practical Guide to Parenting Young Teens by Andy Kerckhoff. Price: Free. Genre: Parenting Book of the Day, Child Care. Rated: 5 stars on 26 Reviews. 238 pages. ASIN: B00GYH8EEC.
  3. *Ghosts of the North Shore by James Kipling. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Book of the Day, Scary Stories, Spine Chilling Horror. Rated: 4.9 stars on 16 Reviews. 158 pages. ASIN: B00H1FBFLU.
  4. **How to be Rich: The Couple’s Guide to a Rich Life Without Worrying About Money by Chuck Rylant. Price: Free. Genre: Personal Finance Book of the Day, Investing, Introduction. Rated: 4.8 stars on 63 Reviews. 168 pages. ASIN: B005TNM9NO.
  5. *School for Adventurers: The First Fight by Jennifer Young. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Book of the Day #2, Sword & Sorcery, Action & Adventure. Rated: 4.6 stars on 25 Reviews. 231 pages. ASIN: B00GW9FLNO.
  6. *Psycho Save Us (The Psycho Series, Book 1) by Chad Huskins. Price: Free. Genre: Horror Thriller of the Day. Rated: 4.6 stars on 42 Reviews. 390 pages. ASIN: B009DL5WEQ.
  7. *The Grave Artist by Paula Lynn Johnson. Price: Free. Genre: YA Horror Novel of the Day, Paranormal & Urban Fantasy. Rated: 4.4 stars on 47 Reviews. 224 pages. ASIN: B007JZT5A0.
  8. *City of Beads: Tubby Dubonnet Series #2 (A Hard-Boiled but Humorous New Orleans Mystery) (The Tubby Dubonnet Series) by Tony Dunbar. Price: Free. Genre: Hard-Boiled Mystery, Legal Thriller, Organized Crime. Rated: 4.1 stars on 85 Reviews. 228 pages. ASIN: B007Z5HC7W.
  9. *African Animal Facts For Kids: Non-Fiction Book For Preschool, Kindergarten and First Graders (African Animal Picture Books) by Deborah Bradley. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Animal Book of the Day, Zoology, Mammals, Zoology. Rated: 4.8 stars on 36 Reviews.  ASIN: B00C0V4PPS.

Free Kindle Books – Romance

  1. NEW! Free Kindle Romance Books Blog – Romance only. Free Kindle Romance Books Email Newsletter – Only Romance Book Updates.
  2. *Dandelions Never Die:Book 1 of The Dandelions Series by McCartney Green. Price: Free. Genre: Romance, Action & Adventure. Rated: 5 stars on 12 Reviews. 550 pages. ASIN: B00134ERLA.
  3. *Confessions of a Predatory Lender by Irma Fritz. Price: Free. Genre: Romance, Women’s Fiction, Humor, Satire. Rated: 4.7 stars on 17 Reviews. 420 pages. ASIN: B00AHN1C6Q.
  4. *Hungry For More by Chelsea Scott. Price: Free. Genre: Contemporary Romance. Rated: 4.2 stars on 60 Reviews. 212 pages. ASIN: B008LX70HE.
  5. *Never Miss a Chance (Kellington Book Two) by Maureen Driscoll. Price: Free. Genre: Regency Historical Romance, not available on some eInk Kindles. Rated: 4.2 stars on 49 Reviews. 273 pages. ASIN: B005JVSU2U.
  6. *Forest of the Forsaken: The Witch’s Snare by Joanne Brothwell. Price: Free. Genre: Paranormal Romance, Dark Fantasy, Horror. Rated: 4 stars on 53 Reviews. 160 pages. ASIN: B00BCRURI0.
  7. Circle of Time (The Starry Child Series Book 2) by Lynn Hanna. Price: Free. Genre: Time Travel Romance, Paranormal Romance. Rated: 4.2 stars on 26 Reviews. 241 pages. ASIN: B005X4KQ7A.
  8. A Cheyenne Christmas by Caroline Lee. Price: Free. Genre: Holiday Romance, Historical Romance. Rated: 5 stars on 7 Reviews. 124 pages. ASIN: B00GZ9HGC0.
  9. Courage to Love (Flynn Family Saga) by Erica Graham. Price: Free. Genre: Western Romance, Historical Romance. Rated: 4.2 stars on 9 Reviews. 210 pages. ASIN: B0081AI13Y.
  10. The Rake by Amy Watson. Price: Free. Genre: Regency Romance, Romantic Comedy. Rated: 4.1 stars on 8 Reviews. 232 pages. ASIN: B007BDIP1A.
  11. Weeds Grow – Book 4 of The Dandelions Series by McCartney Green. Price: Free. Genre: Women’s Fiction, Romance, Saga, Romantic Suspense. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 298 pages. ASIN: B003F77F4O.
  12. ******* Novellas & Wild Cards
  13. *7 Sessions by Gare Allen. Price: Free. Genre: Paranormal Romance, Reincarnation, Ghosts. Rated: 4.8 stars on 12 Reviews. 61 pages. ASIN: B00BPX8W6K.
  14. The Call From Within (Dearhart Clan Series Volume 1) by Eri Nelson. Price: Free. Genre: Romance Novella, Paranormal Fantasy. Rated: 4.2 stars on 18 Reviews. 69 pages. ASIN: B005FYSXI2.
  15. A Christmas Fling: A Magical Tale of Romance and Adventure by Beth Barany. Price: Free. Genre: Paranormal & Urban Romance, Paranormal Fantasy Romance Novella. Rated: 5 stars on 7 Reviews. 112 pages. ASIN: B00H8GPVKS.
  16. Eternally: A Mystics & Mayhem Novella by AJ Myers. Price: Free. Genre: Paranormal Romance Novella, Ghosts, Witches & Wizards. Rated: 4.8 stars on 6 Reviews. 126 pages. ASIN: B00FADRCBW.
  17. Sorcerer’s Vendetta (The Secret of Zanalon) by Sarah Ray. Price: Free. Genre: Paranormal Romance Novella, Ghosts. Rated: 4.3 stars on 12 Reviews. 113 pages. ASIN: B00C7VZZIM.
  18. The Soldier’s Christmas: A Langston Brother’s Novella (Langston Brothers Series) by Melissa Lynne Blue. Price: Free. Genre: Holiday Romance Novella, Historical Romance. Rated: 4.4 stars on 5 Reviews. 104 pages. ASIN: B00E88ANVG.
  19. Four Weeks ’til Christmas by Jayn Wilde. Price: Free. Genre: Holiday Romance Novella, Holidays, Short Stories. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 73 pages. ASIN: B00GSPUCTA.

Free Kindle Books – Erotica

Please see Free Kindle Erotic Books blog. We’ll blog Erotica free kindle books over there. It’ll be updated 10-15 minutes after this main blog gets its free books post.

Free Kindle Books – Thrillers & Mysteries


Free Kindle Books –

  1. *Psycho Save Us (The Psycho Series, Book 1) by Chad Huskins. Price: Free. Genre: Horror, Thriller. Rated: 4.6 stars on 42 Reviews. 390 pages. ASIN: B009DL5WEQ.
  2. *The Mask of Anonymity: A Story of the American West by Preston Malone. Price: Free. Genre: Historical Thriller, Western. Rated: 4.5 stars on 13 Reviews. 414 pages. ASIN: B00DJKEVHQ.
  3. *City of Beads: Tubby Dubonnet Series #2 (A Hard-Boiled but Humorous New Orleans Mystery) (The Tubby Dubonnet Series) by Tony Dunbar. Price: Free. Genre: Hard-Boiled Mystery, Legal Thriller, Organized Crime. Rated: 4.1 stars on 85 Reviews. 228 pages. ASIN: B007Z5HC7W.
  4. [Pick] *The Big Bend (Mar 2013 Repeat) by Gary Showalter. Price: Free. Genre: Mystery, Suspense, Police Procedural. Rated: 4.1 stars on 216 Reviews. 330 pages. ASIN: B0035G0722.
  5. Anybody’s Daughter (Angela Evans Series No. 2) by Pamela Samuels Young. Price: Free. Genre: Legal Thriller, Women’s Fiction, African-American. Rated: 4.9 stars on 13 Reviews. 376 pages. ASIN: B00GC7UI8E.
  6. The Black Chip (2012 Repeat) by Gary Land. Price: Free. Genre: Mystery, Crime Fiction. Rated: 4.2 stars on 74 Reviews. 274 pages. ASIN: B008237GMW.
  7. Nobody’s Killer by Su Adams. Price: Free. Genre: Mystery, Women Sleuths. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 203 pages. ASIN: B00F46GH3Y. Nobody’s Killer? Cover looks more like Bored Librarian saying – Really, you haven’t booked anything for dinner?

Free Kindle Books – Christian & Religious

  1. NEW! Free Kindle Christian Fiction Blog – Only Christian Novels. Free Kindle Christian Fiction Emails – Only Christian Fiction.
  2. *A Path Toward Home (The Annals of Avonea) by Heather Lorenz. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Christian Book, Time Travel, Girls & Women. Rated: 4.9 stars on 10 Reviews. 150 pages. ASIN: B00GW9EN92.
  3. *The Elmo Jenkins Trilogy by McMillian Moody. Price: Free. Genre: Humor, Christian Fiction. Rated: 4.8 stars on 10 Reviews. 524 pages. ASIN: B00EW4VDMO.
  4. *Raising the Ruins: The Fight to Revive the Legacy of Herbert W. Armstrong by Stephen Flurry. Price: Free. Genre: History, Religious Studies. Rated: 4.3 stars on 83 Reviews. 415 pages. ASIN: B0052ZZZVC.
  5. *Things as They Are Mission Work in Southern India by Amy Carmichael. Price: Free. Genre: Christian, Missionary Work. Rated: 4.5 stars on 16 Reviews. 218 pages. ASIN: B004TQ3XQE.
  6. The Christian by Donald Scott. Price: Free. Genre: Christian, Dramas, Plays. Rated: 4.6 stars on 5 Reviews. 245 pages. ASIN: B00ARJEZZK.
  7. Thoughts for the Quiet Hour by Various. Price: Free. Genre: Devotionals. Rated: 4.6 stars on 5 Reviews. 160 pages. ASIN: B005LXKJZW.
  8. How Christians Unknowingly Talk To The “Dead” by Keith Henry. Price: Free. Genre: Devotionals. Rated: 5 stars on 5 Reviews. 68 pages. ASIN: B0080LOXJA.
  9. The Basics of Article Publishing for Print Magazines & Online Magazines (Boot Camp for Christian Writers) by Carolyn Tomlin. Price: Free. Genre: Christian Writing Skills. Rated: 4.9 stars on 7 Reviews. 93 pages. ASIN: B00AAZ6NB0.
  10. David and Bathsheba by Aida Bode. Price: Free. Genre: Christian Fiction, Romance. Rated: 4.2 stars on 17 Reviews. 72 pages. ASIN: B00BW92G3W.
  11. Easiest Bible Memory Verses For Toddlers (Lightening Bible Memory Program) by Dr. Johnson C. Philip. Price: Free. Genre: Devotionals. Rated: 4 stars on 6 Reviews. 8 pages. ASIN: B00CGVEL74.

Free Kindle Books – Fantasy, Science Fiction & Horror


Free Kindle Books –

  1. *Carpathia (Carpathia Timeline) by Scott Whitmore. Price: Free. Genre: Science Fiction, Steampunk, Horror. Rated: 4.5 stars on 11 Reviews. 220 pages. ASIN: B00ADC8LR4.
  2. [Pick] *The Dragon Gem (Korin’s Journal) by Brian Beam. Price: Free. Genre: Epic Fantasy, Sword & Sorcery. Rated: 4.5 stars on 14 Reviews. 438 pages. ASIN: B007P02OHU.
  3. The Seal Queen by Sandra Saidak. Price: Free. Genre: Historical Fantasy, Mythology & Folk Tales. Rated: 4.9 stars on 7 Reviews. 241 pages. ASIN: B00CTDZZ2E.
  4. RayzorWire: Julie Rayzor Zombie War Book Two (Julie Rayzor Zombie War Series) by Richard Howes. Price: Free. Genre: Science Fiction Adventure, Horror, Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction. Rated: 4.7 stars on 7 Reviews. 230 pages. ASIN: B00FLK0T1E.
  5. MoonWillow’s Courage (MoonWillow Saga) by Hazell Sicily. Price: Free. Genre: Epic Fantasy, Mythology & Folk Tales. Rated: 4.5 stars on 6 Reviews. 264 pages. ASIN: B00E35NKRI.
  6. Dinner at the Vomitropolis by Jesse Wheeler. Price: Free. Genre: Horror, Humor, Satire. Rated: 4.5 stars on 10 Reviews. 149 pages. ASIN: B00FJ86BM4.
  7. Spacehounds of IPC by E. E. (Edward Elmer) Smith. Price: Free. Genre: Old Science Fiction, Space Opera. Rated: 4.1 stars on 18 Reviews. 180 pages. ASIN: B004TRIOSU.
  8. Masters of Space by E. Everett (Edward Everett) Evans. Price: Free. Genre: Old Science Fiction, Space Opera. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 151 pages. ASIN: B004S8ERFO.
  9. The Legend of Arkatak by Khedidja Ouheb. Price: Free. Genre: Epic Fantasy, Folklore, Mythology. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 340 pages. ASIN: B00EPYH6ZO.
  10. ******* Short Stories & Novellas & Wild cards
  11. DARK COUNTY by Kit Tinsley. Price: Free. Genre: Horror Short Stories. Rated: 4.8 stars on 5 Reviews. 207 pages. ASIN: B00CXWESGU.
  12. Gone by Adam Light. Price: Free. Genre: Horror Short Story. Rated: 4.1 stars on 36 Reviews. 21 pages. ASIN: B0063XNUGO.

Free Kindle Books – Historical Fiction

  1. NEW! Free Kindle Historical Fiction Blog – Only Historical Fiction Novels (Note: not Romance). Free Kindle Historical Fiction Emails – Only Historical Fiction. Please Note: These are rare. There might be days with zero Historical Fiction books.
  2. The Relics by Piotr Puchalski. Price: Free. Genre: Historical Fiction, 1924, Alternative History, Science Fiction. Rated: 4.3 stars on 6 Reviews. 133 pages. ASIN: B00CNWVRQO.

Free Kindle Books – Young Adult & Children


Free Kindle Books –

  1. *Ghosts of the North Shore by James Kipling. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Spine Chilling Horror, Scary Stories. Rated: 4.9 stars on 16 Reviews. 158 pages. ASIN: B00H1FBFLU.
  2. *The Grave Artist by Paula Lynn Johnson. Price: Free. Genre: YA Horror, Paranormal & Urban Fantasy. Rated: 4.4 stars on 47 Reviews. 224 pages. ASIN: B007JZT5A0.
  3. *African Animal Facts For Kids: Non-Fiction Book For Preschool, Kindergarten and First Graders (African Animal Picture Books) by Deborah Bradley. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Zoology, Mammals, Zoology. Rated: 4.8 stars on 36 Reviews.  ASIN: B00C0V4PPS.
  4. *School for Adventurers: The First Fight by Jennifer Young. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Sword & Sorcery, Action & Adventure. Rated: 4.6 stars on 25 Reviews. 231 pages. ASIN: B00GW9FLNO.
  5. *Ripped by Shelly Dickson Carr. Price: Free. Genre: YA Mysteries & Thrillers, Historical Mystery. Rated: 4.3 stars on 49 Reviews. 520 pages. ASIN: B00AB23RBQ.
  6. *Children’s Book: Daniel the Irascible (A Fun Illustrated Children’s Picture eBook) (Perfect Bedtime Story for Ages 2-8) (Children’s Books Collection) by Yael Aharoni. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Action & Adventure, Beginner Readers. Rated: 4.9 stars on 28 Reviews. 35 pages. ASIN: B00H1N5UPO.
  7. *Piddles the Penguin – A funny wee ebook for kids by Otto Fishblanket. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Penguins, Humor. Rated: 4.5 stars on 37 Reviews. 26 pages. ASIN: B00B5GIOJW.
  8. *Princess Ruby: The Friendship Wand (Princess Ruby Children’s Books) by Deborah Bradley. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Emotions & Feelings, Social Situations. Rated: 4.8 stars on 30 Reviews. 42 pages. ASIN: B00F50W33W.
  9. *Children’s Books: “The Man from Mars” (Comic Books, Kids Books and Bedtime Stories) (The Adventures of Naughty Nico) by Kids Books 4-8. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Fantasy, Comics & Graphic Novels. Rated: 4.8 stars on 9 Reviews.  ASIN: B00F47BEKY.
  10. Problem Cousin and Other Funny Stories by Alex Goodwin. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Essays, General Humor. Rated: 5 stars on 9 Reviews. 28 pages. ASIN: B00F6N4GGK.
  11. The Lonely Christmas Tree by Shannon Glenn. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Christmas. Rated: 4.2 stars on 21 Reviews. 3 pages. ASIN: B006HP8YS2.
  12. Webster Seeks A Job From Santa by Beatrix S. Tambunan. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Careers. Rated: 4.7 stars on 6 Reviews. 24 pages. ASIN: B00ALKLILO.
  13. Butterflies: Miniature Beauties of the World by Reno’s Mom. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Butterflies, School & Education, Reference, Bugs & Spiders. Rated: 5 stars on 5 Reviews. 33 pages. ASIN: B00GJYWHI4.
  14. Meleeah of Lemuria by Barbara Heartsong. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Metaphysical Fiction, Action & Adventure. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 214 pages. ASIN: B0097VVTY4.
  15. Ollie and Dexter Get Lost; An adventure with one boy and his dog. (The Adventures of Ollie and Dexter) by Edel Sweeney. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Action & Adventure. Rated: 4.9 stars on 8 Reviews. 13 pages. ASIN: B00FCAQT7Q.
  16. The Winter Kitten by Linda Benson. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Cats, Christmas. Rated: 4.8 stars on 5 Reviews. 41 pages. ASIN: B00GD4TDCI.
  17. Dozer is a Little Dog (Little Dogs) by Theresa Lepiane. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Boys & Men, Pets. Rated: 4.7 stars on 6 Reviews. 40 pages. ASIN: B00GBQA5ZW.
  18. Saving Eddie the Rescue Dog by Marty Gates. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Dogs, Dogs. Rated: 4.6 stars on 5 Reviews. 80 pages. ASIN: B00F529EQO.
  19. Sharks – Beautiful Pictures and Fun Shark Facts for Kids (Discover the World’s Most Amazing Animals Series) by Angela Daniels. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Sharks, Fish. Rated: 4.4 stars on 7 Reviews. 35 pages. ASIN: B00BPZFF6I.
  20. Revelation (The Calligraphy Jones Series) by J.P. Glass. Price: Free. Genre: YA Fantasy, Coming of Age, Action & Adventure. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 264 pages. ASIN: B00FQ134JM.
  21. Adventures of the Northwoods Part 1: The Great Prankster by Jehoshaphat. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Mystery, Action & Adventure. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 68 pages. ASIN: B00GT3CI66.
  22. Nick’s Guides – 50 States for Kids – Fun Facts and Learning on Our Great 50 States by Nick Pelloni. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, 50 States, Reference. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 127 pages. ASIN: B00H4F3S9Y.
  23. The Evil Pond: Legend Of The Golden Warrior by Papa G. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Fish. Rated: 4.8 stars on 4 Reviews. 66 pages. ASIN: B00EMIRCFC.
  24. ******* Short Stories & Wild Cards & Novellas
  25. Rebellion of the Leaves by Jason Jones. Price: Free. Genre: YA Literature & Fiction. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 40 pages. ASIN: B00GUSU0OC.

Free Kindle Books – Spanish & Other Languages

Free Kindle Books – Various Genres including Adventure


Free Kindle Books –

  1. A SOJOURN IN HELL by Roberta Goodman. Price: Free. Genre: Family Saga, Family Relationships. Rated: 4.8 stars on 5 Reviews. 237 pages. ASIN: B00DBFA2F4.
  2. Sustain Me With Your Breath by Brian Heffron. Price: Free. Genre: British Poetry, Epic Poetry. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 28 pages. ASIN: B004C059M8.
  3. It really sucks when… by Rick Roll. Price: Free. Genre: Cartoons, Humor, Adult Coloring Book. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 43 pages. ASIN: B00H5UZZR6.
  4. Enough by Carole Richard Thompson. Price: Free. Genre: Contemporary Poetry, American Poetry. Rated: 5 stars on 4 Reviews. 36 pages. ASIN: B00E3FOHR0.
  5. ******* Novellas & Wild Cards
  6. Passport to Postal Peculiarities by Cindy Glaze. Price: Free. Genre: Humor. Rated: 4.5 stars on 4 Reviews. 74 pages. ASIN: B00C7VRH7Y.

Free Kindle Books – Non Fiction


Free Kindle Books –

  1. *Critical Connection: A Practical Guide to Parenting Young Teens by Andy Kerckhoff. Price: Free. Genre: Parenting, Child Care. Rated: 5 stars on 26 Reviews. 238 pages. ASIN: B00GYH8EEC.
  2. **How to be Rich: The Couple’s Guide to a Rich Life Without Worrying About Money by Chuck Rylant. Price: Free. Genre: Personal Finance, Investing, Introduction. Rated: 4.8 stars on 63 Reviews. 168 pages. ASIN: B005TNM9NO.
  3. *Common Sense Horsemanship: A Safe And Simple Approach To Riding Horses by Shelly Ingram. Price: Free. Genre: Equestrian, Horses. Rated: 5 stars on 15 Reviews. 142 pages. ASIN: B00FJI22DG.
  4. *Freshwater Fish Recipes Made Simple – 99 Classic Recipes for the Homecook by George Gregory. Price: Free. Genre: Fish Recipes, Fish Cookbook. Rated: 5 stars on 10 Reviews. 120 pages. ASIN: B00D48QTPK.
  5. [Pick] *Be Your Better Self: A Hands on Approach to Become Who You Always Wanted to Be by Sasha Tenodi. Price: Free. Genre: Stress Management, Self-Esteem. Rated: 4.9 stars on 8 Reviews. 190 pages. ASIN: B00GTKM9RM.
  6. *Spiritual Path to Abundance: 7 Steps to Manifest a Blissful, Prosperous & Abundant Life. A Law of Attraction Guide by Shanda Bisanz. Price: Free. Genre: Occultism, Spiritual Self-Help. Rated: 5 stars on 13 Reviews. 30 pages. ASIN: B007Y1617E.
  7. *No Brand Is an Island by Robert D. Smith. Price: Free. Genre: Marketing, Authorship. Rated: 4.9 stars on 11 Reviews. 76 pages. ASIN: B00DY63KWM.
  8. *Fishing for Success – Seven Steps to Success in Business Learned From Fishing by C.F. Goldblatt. Price: Free. Genre: Teams, Personal Finance. Rated: 4.9 stars on 8 Reviews. 80 pages. ASIN: B00GZFUHNO.
  9. *7 Things God Can’t Do: A Motivational Self Help Book Designed to Enrich Happiness and Faith in God (Faith Alive) by Reverend Bill McBride. Price: Free. Genre: Atheism, Spiritual, Self-Help. Rated: 4.9 stars on 10 Reviews. 51 pages. ASIN: B00E1WMROK.
  10. *FIERCE ABS: Your Jump Start Guide To Sculpt, Tighten & Tone Your Abs by Jessica Kiernan. Price: Free. Genre: Women’s Health, Fitness. Rated: 4.8 stars on 12 Reviews. 132 pages. ASIN: B00BFWY80A.
  11. *How to Rekindle an Unhappy Marriage: Overcome Resentment and Regain the Trust You Need (The Marriage Guide Series) by Beth Banning. Price: Free. Genre: Marriage, Relationships, Divorce. Rated: 4.9 stars on 24 Reviews. 83 pages. ASIN: B00BBFR3N0.
  12. *Sparking Change Around the Globe: 5 ways to make your difference in the world by Barbara Edie. Price: Free. Genre: Philanthropy & Charity, Nonprofit Organizations & Charities. Rated: 4.8 stars on 16 Reviews. 63 pages. ASIN: B00EP52IGK.
  13. *Cupid’s Guide to Online Dating – A Practical Guide to Finding Love in the Modern World by R.C. Lane. Price: Free. Genre: Online Dating, Online Searching, Marriage. Rated: 4.9 stars on 11 Reviews. 43 pages. ASIN: B00GZWCFUK.
  14. *Best Mans Guide: Know Your Responsibilities and How To Give A Great Speech by Chris Dreyer. Price: Free. Genre: Marriage, Best Man Guide, Family Relationships. Rated: 4.8 stars on 9 Reviews. 35 pages. ASIN: B0092PX4M0.
  15. [Pick] *7 Day Green Juice Detox Plan: Juicing for Great Health Volume 2 by Dana Bragagnolo. Price: Free. Genre: Detoxes & Cleanses. Rated: 4.4 stars on 39 Reviews. 63 pages. ASIN: B008LQIF7A.
  16. [Pick] *Stolen Innocence: A Pedophile Exposed by Alana R. Neal. Price: Free. Genre: Sexual Abuse, Criminal Law. Rated: 4.8 stars on 9 Reviews. 72 pages. ASIN: B00EYT4U2C.
  17. *Become an Expatriate-Retire to Sonora, Mexico (Retire to: San Carlos, Puerto Penasco, Rocky Point, Kino Bay, Alamos) by George Puckett. Price: Free. Genre: Expatriate Guide, Mexico. Rated: 4.7 stars on 14 Reviews. 70 pages. ASIN: B009VM02UQ.
  18. *Christmas Sauna Traditions by Joanne Kaattari. Price: Free. Genre: Outdoor & Recreational Areas, Christmas, Scandinavian. Rated: 4.6 stars on 14 Reviews. 41 pages. ASIN: B006P4EN9E.
  19. *How To Become A Pastry Chef – A Passion For Pastries by Dean Sinclair. Price: Free. Genre: Professional Pastry Skills. Rated: 4.4 stars on 13 Reviews. 65 pages. ASIN: B00BPD5OFW.
  20. *Windows 8: 35 Essential Tips for Beginners (Updated September 2013) by Katrina Abiasi. Price: Free. Genre: Windows 8 Guide, Windows 8 Tips, Windows 8, PCs, Hardware. Rated: 4 stars on 31 Reviews. 54 pages. ASIN: B00AUQWT76.
  21. Dating Tips For Men: How To Meet And Date Beautiful Women by Harry House. Price: Free. Genre: Dating Advice. Rated: 4.5 stars on 4 Reviews. 33 pages. ASIN: B00GLC471O.
  22. The Ultimate Minecraft Guide to Servers: Everything YOU Need to Know! by Minecraft Guides. Price: Free. Genre: Minecraft Guide, Video & Electronic Games, Role Playing & Fantasy. Rated: 4.1 stars on 11 Reviews. 42 pages. ASIN: B00BOKJAG0.
  23. Awesome Minecraft Maps to Play With Friends! by Future Apps. Price: Free. Genre: Minecraft Maps, Role Playing & Fantasy, Video & Electronic Games. Rated: 4.8 stars on 4 Reviews. 20 pages. ASIN: B00BTI3JVE.
  24. George Washington’s Rules of Civility Traced to their Sources and Restored by Moncure D. Conway by Moncure Daniel Conway. Price: Free. Genre: On Civility. Rated: 4.2 stars on 13 Reviews. 88 pages. ASIN: B0084C701S.
  25. Lively Gluten Free Recipe Book (Living and Eating Well With a Gluten Free Diet) by Arin Logan Johnson. Price: Free. Genre: Gluten Free, Allergies. Rated: 4.1 stars on 11 Reviews. 63 pages. ASIN: B009C0L49A.
  26. Natural Remedies For Effective Weight Loss. How To Stimulate Massive Weight Loss With Natural Food Supplements. (How to Lose Weight with Natural Remedies. … Stimulants. Speed up your weight loss now!) by Marta Tuchowska. Price: Free. Genre: Nutrition, Weight Loss. Rated: 5 stars on 5 Reviews. 70 pages. ASIN: B00H5N9RMW.
  27. Alcatraz: A Very Brief History by Mark Black. Price: Free. Genre: History, 20th Century. Rated: 4.2 stars on 18 Reviews. 36 pages. ASIN: B00A4157CQ.
  28. Learn How to Meditate Properly: A Meditation Guide for Beginners by Tom Von Deck. Price: Free. Genre: Stress Management, Alternative Medicine, Meditation. Rated: 4.2 stars on 8 Reviews. 37 pages. ASIN: B0080OZSG4.
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  3. *** Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde. Price: $9.73. Genre: Literary Fiction, Well-Reviewed. Rated 4.4 stars on 231 reviews. 323 pages.
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104 Free Kindle Books for Friday the 13th

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Free Kindle Books – KEBooks Books of the Day

  1. **Money Is King by Nicety. Price: Free. Genre: African-American Fiction of the Day, Urban Fiction. Rated: 4.7 stars on 91 Reviews. 208 pages. ASIN: B00FCN0R9E.
  2. *The Purpose and Power of Love & Marriage by Myles Munroe. Price: Free. Genre: Christian Living Book of the Day, Marriage. Rated: 4.9 stars on 21 Reviews. 272 pages. ASIN: B0051GN8S4.
  3. *HIDDEN DOORS, SECRET ROOMS by Jamie Eubanks. Price: Free. Genre: Paranormal Suspense of the Day, Suspense Thriller, Mystery. Rated: 4.9 stars on 11 Reviews. 341 pages. ASIN: B00BSE43PK.
  4. *Endless Night (Dylan Hart Odyssey of The Occult Series) by R.M. Gilmore. Price: Free. Genre: Mystery, Women Sleuths Book of the Day, Paranormal Fantasy. Rated: 4.8 stars on 28 Reviews. 220 pages. ASIN: B00B7DENL6.
  5. **A Clockwork Fairytale (Fantasy Romance) by Helen Scott Taylor. Price: Free. Genre: Fantasy Romance, Fairy Tales, Historical Fantasy. Rated: 4.5 stars on 117 Reviews. 256 pages. ASIN: B005JERQDG.
  6. **Slow Burn by Ebony Farashuu. Price: Free. Genre: African-American Romance of the Day. Rated: 4.7 stars on 54 Reviews. 268 pages. ASIN: B004S7EXRW.
  7. *Telomere Timebombs: Defusing the Terror of Aging by Ed Park MD. Price: Free. Genre: Health & Fitness Book of the Day, Disorders & Diseases. Rated: 4.7 stars on 25 Reviews. 218 pages. ASIN: B00E897GFQ.
  8. *Last Chance To Run (Slye Temp) by Dianna Love. Price: Free. Genre: Romantic Suspense of the Day. Rated: 4.4 stars on 80 Reviews. 343 pages. ASIN: B00AGJ1ZDQ.
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  10. *Ten Days of Perfect (November Blue #1) by Andrea Randall. Price: Free. Genre: Coming of Age Book of the Day, New Adult & College Romance. Rated: 4.3 stars on 251 Reviews. 254 pages. ASIN: B009EIKAPO.
  11. *Dead, but Not for Long by Matthew Kinney. Price: Free. Genre: Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction of the Day, Dystopian Science Fiction, Horror. Rated: 4.1 stars on 164 Reviews. 298 pages. ASIN: B00AS4RCDG.

Free Kindle Books – Romance

  1. NEW! Free Kindle Romance Books Blog – Romance only. Free Kindle Romance Books Email Newsletter – Only Romance Book Updates.
  2. **Slow Burn by Ebony Farashuu. Price: Free. Genre: African-American Romance, Multicultural Romance. Rated: 4.7 stars on 54 Reviews. 268 pages. ASIN: B004S7EXRW.
  3. *Forever His: A Time-Travel Romance (Stolen Brides Series) by Shelly Thacker. Price: Free. Genre: Medieval Historical Romance, Time Travel Romance, Historical, Time Travel, Medieval. Rated: 4.3 stars on 83 Reviews. 418 pages. ASIN: B006NG0GXQ.
  4. **A Clockwork Fairytale (Fantasy Romance) by Helen Scott Taylor. Price: Free. Genre: Fantasy Romance, Fairy Tales, Historical Fantasy. Rated: 4.5 stars on 117 Reviews. 256 pages. ASIN: B005JERQDG.
  5. *Ten Days of Perfect (November Blue #1) by Andrea Randall. Price: Free. Genre: Coming of Age, New Adult & College Romance. Rated: 4.3 stars on 251 Reviews. 254 pages. ASIN: B009EIKAPO.
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  10. *Last Chance To Run (Slye Temp) by Dianna Love. Price: Free. Genre: Romantic Suspense, Suspense. Rated: 4.4 stars on 80 Reviews. 343 pages. ASIN: B00AGJ1ZDQ.
  11. [Pick] Archangels Creed Box Set 1-3 by Azure Boone. Price: Free. Genre: Paranormal Romance, Genetic Engineering Science Fiction, Demons & Devils, Angels. Rated: 4 stars on 17 Reviews. 677 pages. ASIN: B00DYV1C5Y.
  12. Fallen (Chronicles Of The Fallen) by Julie Morgan. Price: Free. Genre: Paranormal Romance, Demons & Devils, Angels. Rated: 4.2 stars on 20 Reviews. 166 pages. ASIN: B00H1EMU88.
  13. Finding Love Within (Voluptuously Curvy and Loving It Series (Volume Two) 2) by Leanora Moore. Price: Free. Genre: Contemporary Romance. Rated: 4.2 stars on 6 Reviews. 381 pages. ASIN: B00ER6P8PU.
  14. Heart Strung (New Adult Rockstar Romance) by Evelyn Glass. Price: Free. Genre: New Adult & College Romance, Coming of Age. Rated: 5 stars on 5 Reviews. 161 pages. ASIN: B00H8ZKU00.
  15. Tempo by Kelley Maestas. Price: Free. Genre: Contemporary Romance. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 197 pages. ASIN: B00H34ENBS.
  16. Changes of the Heart by M.M. Zip Zimmerman. Price: Free. Genre: Love & Romance, Lesbian Romance. Rated: 4.8 stars on 6 Reviews. 344 pages. ASIN: B0099WU54G.
  17. I Made You My First by Ciara Threadgoode. Price: Free. Genre: Women’s Fiction, Theater, Romance, Drama & Plays. Rated: 4.6 stars on 5 Reviews. 460 pages. ASIN: B00CC2ZUW2.
  18. Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under by Barbara S Stewart. Price: Free. Genre: Contemporary Romance. Rated: 4.8 stars on 5 Reviews. 230 pages. ASIN: B00AMQE5BC.
  19. Illumine (The Illumine Series) by Alivia Anders. Price: Free. Genre: Paranormal Romance, Demons & Devils, Angels. Rated: 4.5 stars on 60 Reviews. 151 pages. ASIN: B006V1MRTO.
  20. Love Like You’ve Never Been Hurt (Summer Lake Romance) by SJ McCoy. Price: Free. Genre: Romance, Women’s Fiction, Contemporary Romance. Rated: 4 stars on 11 Reviews. 328 pages. ASIN: B00ES2AJ16.

Free Kindle Books – Erotica

Please see Free Kindle Erotic Books blog. We’ll blog Erotica free kindle books over there. It’ll be updated 10-15 minutes after this main blog gets its free books post.

Free Kindle Books – Thrillers & Mysteries


Free Kindle Books –

  1. *HIDDEN DOORS, SECRET ROOMS by Jamie Eubanks. Price: Free. Genre: Paranormal Suspense, Suspense Thriller, Mystery. Rated: 4.9 stars on 11 Reviews. 341 pages. ASIN: B00BSE43PK.
  2. *Endless Night (Dylan Hart Odyssey of The Occult Series) by R.M. Gilmore. Price: Free. Genre: Mystery, Women Sleuths, Paranormal Fantasy. Rated: 4.8 stars on 28 Reviews. 220 pages. ASIN: B00B7DENL6.
  3. *Devouring Milo by Tonia Brown. Price: Free. Genre: Psychological Thriller, Psychological Suspense, Horror. Rated: 5 stars on 10 Reviews. 115 pages. ASIN: B00DWZYWKO. Werewolves & Serial Killers.
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  1. NEW! Free Kindle Christian Fiction Blog – Only Christian Novels. Free Kindle Christian Fiction Emails – Only Christian Fiction.
  2. *The Purpose and Power of Love & Marriage by Myles Munroe. Price: Free. Genre: Christian Living, Marriage. Rated: 4.9 stars on 21 Reviews. 272 pages. ASIN: B0051GN8S4.
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  10. God Still Loves You: 40 Reminders from God by Burton Barr Jr.. Price: Free. Genre: Prayer, Devotionals. Rated: 4.6 stars on 7 Reviews. 99 pages. ASIN: B0055KVHGQ.
  11. Finding the Light, Book 1 (The Peaks at the Edge of the World) by M. F. Erler. Price: Free. Genre: Christian Futuristic, Christian Fantasy, Science Fiction & Fantasy. Rated: 4.7 stars on 6 Reviews. 158 pages. ASIN: B007P5HLGE.
  12. Lucius and the Christmas Star by Jim Long. Price: Free. Genre: Christian, Christmas. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 36 pages. ASIN: B00A6DD8M8.
  13. Christmas Gift For Everyone! – The True Story of Christmas (Little Christian) by Bee Faith. Price: Free. Genre: Christian Children’s Books, Holidays & Festivals, Christmas. Rated: 4.2 stars on 28 Reviews. 17 pages. ASIN: B00AH14E68.

Free Kindle Books – Fantasy, Science Fiction & Horror


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  1. *Dead, but Not for Long by Matthew Kinney. Price: Free. Genre: Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction, Dystopian, Horror. Rated: 4.1 stars on 164 Reviews. 298 pages. ASIN: B00AS4RCDG.
  2. *The Broken Sword (Halcyon #2: A Swashbuckling Adventure) by Joseph Robert Lewis. Price: Free. Genre: Historical Fantasy. Rated: 4.3 stars on 21 Reviews. 262 pages. ASIN: B004Z81SCC.
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Free Kindle Books – Historical Fiction

  1. NEW! Free Kindle Historical Fiction Blog – Only Historical Fiction Novels (Note: not Romance). Free Kindle Historical Fiction Emails – Only Historical Fiction. Please Note: These are rare. There might be days with zero Historical Fiction books.
  2. *The Young Jaguar (Pre-Aztec Trilogy, Book 1) by Zoe Saadia. Price: Free. Genre: Historical Fiction, Pre-Aztec, United States, Action & Adventure. Rated: 4.3 stars on 56 Reviews. 192 pages. ASIN: B007UII58E.
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  4. My Name is Martha Brown by Nicola Thorne. Price: Free. Genre: Historical Fiction, Contemporary Fiction. Rated: 4.6 stars on 5 Reviews. 416 pages. ASIN: B006UMKXKE.

Free Kindle Books – Young Adult & Children


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  1. [Pick] *The Girl Who Started the War to End All Wars, Part One by Rachelle McCalla. Price: Free. Genre: YA Steampunk, Science Fiction, Alternative History. Rated: 4.9 stars on 8 Reviews. 268 pages. ASIN: B00F2OI7VI.
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  8. *The Afterlife series Box Set (Books 1-3) by Willow Rose. Price: Free. Genre: YA Paranormal & Fantasy Romance. Rated: 4 stars on 78 Reviews. 531 pages. ASIN: B00AFHHMRC.
  9. *Free As A Leelee Bird by Aimee Perry. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Bedtime & Dreaming, Relationships. Rated: 5 stars on 11 Reviews. 39 pages. ASIN: B00GGB50XO.
  10. *Charlie Odd and The House Without a Door (Charlie Odd-Ventures) by Tom Morrissey. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Sword & Sorcery, Mythology & Folk Tales. Rated: 5 stars on 9 Reviews. 70 pages. ASIN: B00GU8WM4I.
  11. *Loss De Plott & The Colour Red: 1 (The Book of Dreams) by Stephan J Myers. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Short Story Collections, Christmas. Rated: 5 stars on 10 Reviews. 36 pages. ASIN: B00BWV7RJI.
  12. *Zombie Man: Feared To Cheered by Pat Hatt. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Fantasy, Zombies, Superheroes. Rated: 5 stars on 11 Reviews. 33 pages. ASIN: B00B9YARCM.
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  14. *Cassie and The Wild Cat: Meet and Greet by Pat Hatt. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Cats. Rated: 4.7 stars on 29 Reviews. 24 pages. ASIN: B008I6WKJC.
  15. *Tarsier Man: Winning In The Beginning by Pat Hatt. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Fantasy, Superheroes. Rated: 4.9 stars on 12 Reviews. 29 pages. ASIN: B00C81QWD8.
  16. *Tarsier Man: Foe Over A Toe by Pat Hatt. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Fantasy, Superheroes. Rated: 5 stars on 13 Reviews. 29 pages. ASIN: B00C81QTYA.
  17. *Christmas Cats – A Christmas Picture Book For Kids by Rachael Poole. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Holidays & Festivals, Cats. Rated: 4.5 stars on 20 Reviews. 57 pages. ASIN: B00AN5QKRY.
  18. The Out Of Tune Moon by Pat Hatt. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Action & Adventure. Rated: 4.9 stars on 8 Reviews. 28 pages. ASIN: B009FBK9T2.
  19. The Kitten’s Meow: Children’s Picture Book (The Amazing Adventures of Frankie & J.J.) by Kristen Freethy. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Not for Eink Readers, Farm Animals. Rated: 5 stars on 5 Reviews. 30 pages. ASIN: B00AOEYQAM.
  20. The String Quartet by Dan Hupalo. Price: Free. Genre: YA Fantasy, Norse & Viking Myths & Legends, Coming of Age, Coming of Age. Rated: 4.7 stars on 6 Reviews. 294 pages. ASIN: B00FURCWPO.
  21. Recess Rules by Jill Vialet. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Games. Rated: 5 stars on 5 Reviews. 224 pages. ASIN: B00H94X4JE.
  22. ember (Ember Trilogy) by J. L. Freeman. Price: Free. Genre: YA Paranormal & Urban Fantasy. Rated: 4.8 stars on 6 Reviews. 374 pages. ASIN: B00CB3SZMO.
  23. Andromeda’s Moon by Ben Grimley. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Science Fiction Action & Adventure. Rated: 4.4 stars on 5 Reviews. 214 pages. ASIN: B005C2079U.
  24. END OF DAYS by Roland Yeomans. Price: Free. Genre: YA Occult Horror, Contemporary Fantasy. Rated: 4.3 stars on 6 Reviews. 291 pages. ASIN: B0082ZJD08.
  25. Shield by Angela Wolbert. Price: Free. Genre: YA Paranormal & Fantasy Romance. Rated: 4.2 stars on 5 Reviews. 254 pages. ASIN: B003MZ0NWK.
  26. The Secret Portal (The Secret Portal Series) by Reno Charlton. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Scary Stories, Sword & Sorcery. Rated: 4.2 stars on 11 Reviews. 179 pages. ASIN: B007IWDCK8.
  27. Children’s book: Stars’ Message by Linisha. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Tablets Only, Beginner Readers, Beginner Readers, Bedtime & Dreaming. Rated: 5 stars on 7 Reviews. 15 pages. ASIN: B00H56T5HG.
  28. The Bizarre Superstar by Pat Hatt. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Aliens, Action & Adventure. Rated: 4.5 stars on 8 Reviews. 38 pages. ASIN: B00985D4G0.

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Free Kindle Books – Various Genres including Adventure


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  1. **Money Is King by Nicety. Price: Free. Genre: African-American Fiction, Urban Fiction. Rated: 4.7 stars on 91 Reviews. 208 pages. ASIN: B00FCN0R9E.
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  3. Overcoming Betrayal (Lesbian Loves) by M. M. Zip Zimmerman. Price: Free. Genre: Short Stories, Lesbian. Rated: 4.7 stars on 13 Reviews. 214 pages. ASIN: B0092RY22Y.

Free Kindle Books – Non Fiction


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  1. *Telomere Timebombs: Defusing the Terror of Aging by Ed Park MD. Price: Free. Genre: Disorders & Diseases, Health & Fitness. Rated: 4.7 stars on 25 Reviews. 218 pages. ASIN: B00E897GFQ.
  2. *Afternoon Tea (Breakfast Casseroles, Quiche, Muffins and Scone Recipes) by Sara Winlet. Price: Free. Genre: Christmas Recipes, Holiday Cookbook, Brunch & Tea, Breakfast, Breakfast. Rated: 4.9 stars on 12 Reviews. 153 pages. ASIN: B008BJ2RAI.
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  15. HOMESTEADING: A 21st Century Beginning of Self Reliance by Greg Pavlosky. Price: Free. Genre: Gardening & Horticulture, Sustainable Living. Rated: 4.2 stars on 16 Reviews. 138 pages. ASIN: B00B6QF7N2.
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KINDLE DEALS – Check out Kindle Countdown Deals. Time limited deals on books in various genres. Very low prices on lots of good books.

Free Kindle Books – KEBooks Books of the Day

  1. ***The Color of Heaven (The Color of Heaven Series) by Julianne MacLean. Price: Free. Genre: Christian Romance of the Day, Family Saga, Sagas. Rated: 4.4 stars on 210 Reviews. 324 pages. ASIN: B004KKY782.
  2. *Alien Species Intervention: Books 1-3 (Species Intervention #6609) by J.K. Accinni. Price: Free. Genre: Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction Book of the Day, Dystopian Science Fiction. Rated: 4.9 stars on 17 Reviews. 518 pages. ASIN: B00GS2W6T2.
  3. *The Handler by David Cady. Price: Free. Genre: Action & Adventure Book of the Day, Spiritual Cult, Not for the faint of heart. Rated: 4.8 stars on 21 Reviews. 268 pages. ASIN: B001OI22OO.
  4. *Christmas Shoppe, The by Melody Carlson. Price: Free. Genre: Christian Fiction Book of the Day, Christmas, Christian. Rated: 4.2 stars on 115 Reviews. 177 pages. ASIN: B0055PLJY6.
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  7. *Intimacy: How to Get More of It by Jodi Ambrose. Price: Free. Genre: Marriage Book of the Day, Love & Romance. Rated: 4.9 stars on 18 Reviews. 62 pages. ASIN: B00633YC0C.
  8. *Sex: How to Get More of It by Jodi Ambrose. Price: Free. Genre: Marriage Book of the Day #2, Love & Romance. Rated: 4.8 stars on 28 Reviews. 41 pages. ASIN: B004OEKFOE.
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Free Kindle Books – Romance

  1. NEW! Free Kindle Romance Books Blog – Romance only. Free Kindle Romance Books Email Newsletter – Only Romance Book Updates.
  2. *How To Lasso A Cowboy by Lissa Larer. Price: Free. Genre: Western, Historical Romance, Westerns. Rated: 4.1 stars on 30 Reviews. 214 pages. ASIN: B00F2DAK8W.
  3. Lionslayer’s Woman by Nhys Glover. Price: Free. Genre: Historical Romance, Historical Fiction, Ancient World. Rated: 4.4 stars on 9 Reviews. 252 pages. ASIN: B00D0RVYSW.
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Free Kindle Books – Erotica

Please see Free Kindle Erotic Books blog. We’ll blog Erotica free kindle books over there. It’ll be updated 10-15 minutes after this main blog gets its free books post.

Free Kindle Books – Thrillers & Mysteries


Free Kindle Books –

  1. *Wings to Redemption (An Alex Boudreau Adventure) by Paul Landes. Price: Free. Genre: Technothrillers, Romantic Suspense, Suspense. Rated: 4.8 stars on 15 Reviews. 382 pages. ASIN: B009W665KM.
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  6. Murder at the Maples (Flora Lively Mysteries) by Joanne Phillips. Price: Free. Genre: Cozy Mystery, Animals, British Detectives. Rated: 4.3 stars on 7 Reviews. 276 pages. ASIN: B00F2I2GVQ.
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  13. Bone Breakers (A Stanton brothers thriller) by Martin Stanley. Price: Free. Genre: Crime Thriller, Hard-Boiled Mystery. Rated: 4.8 stars on 4 Reviews. 123 pages. ASIN: B00DPXO1CW.
  14. New World Order Rising (Book 1 The Abduction) by James W. Nelson. Price: Free. Genre: Suspense Thriller, Political Fiction. Rated: 5 stars on 3 Reviews. 204 pages. ASIN: B00DX7P0S4.

Free Kindle Books – Christian & Religious

  1. NEW! Free Kindle Christian Fiction Blog – Only Christian Novels. Free Kindle Christian Fiction Emails – Only Christian Fiction.
  2. ***The Color of Heaven (The Color of Heaven Series) by Julianne MacLean. Price: Free. Genre: Christian Romance, Family Saga, Christian, Romance, Romance, Sagas. Rated: 4.4 stars on 210 Reviews. 324 pages. ASIN: B004KKY782.
  3. *Christmas Shoppe, The by Melody Carlson. Price: Free. Genre: Christian Fiction, Christmas Holidays, Christian. Rated: 4.2 stars on 115 Reviews. 177 pages. ASIN: B0055PLJY6.
  4. *Chasing Superwoman: A Working Mom’s Adventures in Life and Faith by Susan DiMickele. Price: Free. Genre: Christian Living, Women’s Issues. Rated: 4.6 stars on 21 Reviews. 224 pages. ASIN: B00C62S4S0.
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  9. Miracles Happen: A Prayer Guide for Desperate People (Miracles Happen: A Prayer Guide for Desperate People) by Carole Whang Schutter. Price: Free. Genre: Prayer, Christianity. Rated: 4.8 stars on 4 Reviews. 111 pages. ASIN: B003Y74E76.
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  11. A New Dance by Lucy McConnell. Price: Free. Genre: Christian Romance Novella, Romance. Rated: 5 stars on 3 Reviews. 133 pages. ASIN: B00G5AM07U.

Free Kindle Books – Fantasy, Science Fiction & Horror


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  1. *Alien Species Intervention: Books 1-3 (Species Intervention #6609) by J.K. Accinni. Price: Free. Genre: Post-Apocalyptic Science Fiction, Dystopian Science Fiction. Rated: 4.9 stars on 17 Reviews. 518 pages. ASIN: B00GS2W6T2.
  2. *The Skylark of Space by E. E. (Edward Elmer) Smith. Price: Free. Genre: Classic Science Fiction, Science Fiction Adventure, Space Opera. Rated: 4.4 stars on 54 Reviews. 194 pages. ASIN: B004TRLGUS.
  3. The Clinic (a chilling thriller) by David Jester. Price: Free. Genre: Horror, Suspense Horror. Rated: 4.9 stars on 7 Reviews. 259 pages. ASIN: B00GRPO1IY.
  4. A Viral Affair: Surviving the Pandemic (The Juno Trilogy) by Larry Kilham. Price: Free. Genre: Science Fiction, Action & Adventure, War & Military. Rated: 4.6 stars on 5 Reviews. 211 pages. ASIN: B00CTXVSLG.
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  9. The Zombie Axiom (In the Time of the Dead) by David Monette. Price: Free. Genre: Horror, Urban Fantasy. Rated: 5 stars on 3 Reviews. 311 pages. ASIN: B00FJDF2DS.
  10. Black Spirits and White A Book of Ghost Stories by Ralph Adams Cram. Price: Free. Genre: Horror Short Stories, Old Horror Stories. Rated: 4 stars on 8 Reviews. 81 pages. ASIN: B004TIKL6C.
  11. Realm Wraith by T. R. Briar. Price: Free. Genre: Dark Fantasy, Occult Horror. Rated: 5 stars on 3 Reviews. 305 pages. ASIN: B00F6NBI8Y.

Free Kindle Books – Historical Fiction

  1. NEW! Free Kindle Historical Fiction Blog – Only Historical Fiction Novels (Note: not Romance). Free Kindle Historical Fiction Emails – Only Historical Fiction. Please Note: These are rare. There might be days with zero Historical Fiction books.
  2. God Wills It! A Tale of the First Crusade. by William Stearns Davis. Price: Free. Genre: Historical Fiction, Old Literature, Crusades. Rated: 4.1 stars on 9 Reviews. 588 pages. ASIN: B00AQM9AI0. A Novel of the Crusades.

Free Kindle Books – Young Adult & Children


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  1. *Funny Tragic Crazy Magic (Tragic Magic) by Sheena Boekweg. Price: Free. Genre: YA Fantasy, Norse Myths & Legends, Paranormal & Urban Fantasy. Rated: 4.3 stars on 35 Reviews. 307 pages. ASIN: B00C4M2YJ2.
  2. *Life, Love, and Texting (a teen romantic comedy) by Kai Michaels. Price: Free. Genre: YA Contemporary Romance, Romantic Comedy. Rated: 4.4 stars on 25 Reviews. 106 pages. ASIN: B005HRT3PY.
  3. [Pick] *Fireflies by Bree Wolf. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Action & Adventure. Rated: 5 stars on 6 Reviews. 161 pages. ASIN: B00FJ7S3OY.
  4. [Pick] You are a Traveler by Elizabeth DeSouza. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Bedtime & Dreaming, Motivational. Rated: 5 stars on 5 Reviews. 30 pages. ASIN: B00GV26ALO.
  5. *SHARKS: Warriors of the Sea, A Children’s Book (Animals of The Sea Series) by Lynn Simone. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Sharks, Fish, Marine Life. Rated: 5 stars on 7 Reviews. 31 pages. ASIN: B00GGSSHE6.
  6. *25 Extinct Animals… since the birth of mankind! Animal Facts, Photos and Video Links. (25 Amazing Animals Series) by IP Factly. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Zoology, Science, Nature & How It Works, Animals. Rated: 4.8 stars on 11 Reviews. 103 pages. ASIN: B00CEH0L06.
  7. *Cedric The Shark Has His First Day At School by Kay Carter. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Beginner Readers. Rated: 5 stars on 9 Reviews.  ASIN: B00CPN8BZ6.
  8. *Saddle My Good Horse by Sam Finden. Price: Free. Genre: Riding, YA Literature & Fiction, Horses. Rated: 4.9 stars on 10 Reviews. 202 pages. ASIN: B00CMR3DGM.
  9. *Charlie – A Snowy Cove High School Novel by Dalya Moon. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Girls & Women. Rated: 4.3 stars on 25 Reviews. 174 pages. ASIN: B005DZZJLM.
  10. *Janie and the Magic Box Christmas by Julia Dweck. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Not for eInk Readers, Dogs, Christmas. Rated: 4.7 stars on 21 Reviews. 15 pages. ASIN: B0091YHEGE.
  11. *Parking Lot Kings by Evan Bollinger. Price: Free. Genre: YA Literary Fiction, Satire, Literary Humor, Literary. Rated: 4.8 stars on 14 Reviews. 146 pages. ASIN: B007S6DCVI.
  12. [Pick] 6 Sight Word Readers in 1! The Cute Dog Collection – Reading Practice with 100% Sight Words (Teach Your Child To Read) by Adele Jones. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Reading Skills, Dogs, Animals. Rated: 4.8 stars on 4 Reviews.  ASIN: B00BVOURGQ.
  13. The Problem of Tim’s Walk-a-Thon (Math Club Series) by Dr. Hoe Bing Lo. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Arithmetic, Math, Math. Rated: 5 stars on 5 Reviews. 52 pages. ASIN: B00F1VBVY2.
  14. A to Zoo: An Alphabet Book For Children (A See and Spell Book) by Ashley Brayden. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Alphabet, Activity Books. Rated: 4.6 stars on 5 Reviews.  ASIN: B00A229ZAM.
  15. Princess Nell: Never Enough Stuff by Deborah Bradley. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Values, Beginner Readers, Not for eInk Readers. Rated: 5 stars on 5 Reviews.  ASIN: B00H54VH8I.
  16. Happy Animals. A Children’s Animal Picture Book (2012 Repeat) by Gerald Hawksley. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Alphabet, Animals, Animals. Rated: 4.7 stars on 74 Reviews. 36 pages. ASIN: B004RPMVSI.
  17. I Remember (Remembrance Series) by Cynthia P. O’Neill. Price: Free. Genre: YA Paranormal Romance, Historical. Rated: 4.7 stars on 6 Reviews. 446 pages. ASIN: B00DQULH6C.
  18. Spiders: Facts and Cool Pictures. Amazing Spider Photos & Facts for Kids. (Animal Photo Books For Kids.) by James Mayrose. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Bugs & Spiders, Animals. Rated: 4.3 stars on 7 Reviews. 64 pages. ASIN: B00CNX3TBY.
  19. The Math Monster (A book about confidence and friendship) by Jennifer Hazen Buss. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Fantasy & Magic. Rated: 4.1 stars on 16 Reviews. 12 pages. ASIN: B0098D2AVM.
  20. The Boy Who Was Most by Annabelle Peep. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Self-Esteem & Self-Respect, Beginner Readers. Rated: 4.2 stars on 6 Reviews. 26 pages. ASIN: B00BY5BULS.
  21. Lemurs! Learn About Lemurs and Enjoy Colorful Pictures – Look and Learn! (50+ Photos of Lemurs) by Becky Wolff. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Lemurs, Apes & Monkeys, Animals. Rated: 4.4 stars on 5 Reviews. 81 pages. ASIN: B0090U98TA.
  22. Hyenas! Learn About Hyenas and Enjoy Colorful Pictures – Look and Learn! (50+ Photos of Hyenas) by Becky Wolff. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Hyenas, Animals. Rated: 4 stars on 5 Reviews. 67 pages. ASIN: B008XLSXRK.
  23. The Four Little Pigs (Fishy Tales) by Anastasya Shepherd. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Fairy Tales, Mythology & Folk Tales. Rated: 4.6 stars on 5 Reviews. 14 pages. ASIN: B002BSHCSC.
  24. Slugs! Learn About Slugs and Enjoy Colorful Pictures – Look and Learn! (50+ Photos of Slugs) by Becky Wolff. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Slugs, Animals. Rated: 4.4 stars on 5 Reviews. 70 pages. ASIN: B0093GL344.
  25. A Dog’s Story (A Short Tale of Kedge) by Nancy L. Silk. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Dogs, Breeds. Rated: 4.8 stars on 9 Reviews. 19 pages. ASIN: B007K1OF1C.
  26. Zoe and the Beam by Kerry Atma. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Sports & Outdoors. Rated: 5 stars on 5 Reviews. 39 pages. ASIN: B00FGR8WNO.
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  28. Immortality for Life (Aurora Saga) by Adrian Fulcher. Price: Free. Genre: YA Science Fiction, Space Opera, Colonization, Space Exploration, First Contact. Rated: 4.8 stars on 4 Reviews. 348 pages. ASIN: B008I2JADU.
  29. Sand Dollars! Learn About Sand Dollars and Enjoy Colorful Pictures – Look and Learn! (50+ Photos of Sand Dollars) by Becky Wolff. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Marine Life, Animals. Rated: 4.8 stars on 4 Reviews. 58 pages. ASIN: B0092WUSPY.
  30. Learn the Alphabet: Alphabet Rhymes Book for Kids – Read-Aloud Rhymes to Help Your Child Learn the Alphabet by Donna Trueman B.Ed.. Price: Free. Genre: Preschool & Kindergarten, Nursery Rhymes. Rated: 4.8 stars on 4 Reviews. 75 pages. ASIN: B00GDQCA1C.
  31. Adventures in Cutie Patootie Land and The Enchanted Lipstick (the hilarious adventure for children ages 7-12) by Starrie Sky. Price: Free. Genre: Children’s Books, Adventures. Rated: 5 stars on 3 Reviews. 68 pages. ASIN: B00EPRLP1W.
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####### Kindle Book Deals – NOT Free, Just CHEAP ########

PLEASE check prices BEFORE buying. These were all deals at 12:20 pm EST – However, prices change.

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  6. *** Sleight of Hand: Hart and Drake, Book #2 by C.J. Lyons. Price: $1.99. Genre: Romance, Suspense, Medical Thriller. Rated 4.3 stars on 126 reviews. 426 pages.
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  5. *** Free for Prime][Repeat from 2012] The First Assassin by John J. Miller. Price: $1.99. Genre: Thriller, Historical. Rated 4 stars on 150 reviews. 461 pages.
  6. *** [Free for Prime] [Was KDD in April] Arab Summer (Sasha Del Mira) by David Lender. Price: $1.99. Genre: Thriller, Intrigue. Rated 3.9 stars on 168 reviews. 301 pages.

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